Wyvern Community Transport Dial a Ride.
Members both old and new are now able to book transport with Wyvern CT for their essential travel needs. At Wyvern we have taken strict measures to ensure we can provide you with the safest travel possible. All our minibuses have had Perspex screens fitted around our drivers and other seating. Seats have also been distanced and many seats removed. Minibuses have also had PPE stands installed to ensure hand sanitiser, face masks and disposable gloves are always available for journeys.
MIDAS Training. Our employees and volunteers are trained in house with MiDAS Driver training.
Wyvern Community Transport is a ‘not for profit’ organisation providing a door to door transport service to the residents of Rochford District and Castle Point Borough.
Our service enables people to take part in activities that they would otherwise struggle to travel to, and therefore reduces exclusion and isolation of vulnerable people.
Our fleet comprises of six minibuses and a Caddy, and they are all wheelchair accessible.
We also have a community (social) car scheme, whereby volunteer drivers use their own cars to take members to hospital and medical appointments.
Who is the service for?
Residents of the Rochford District and Castle Point areas who are in need of transport due to their age, sickness, mental or physical disability, or because adequate and safe public transport services are not available.
How do I join?
You can download a member’s application form from this website, or you can request one by phoning one of our booking lines. The numbers are on the right hand side of this screen.
We have 2 member’s application forms, one for residents of the Rochford District and one for residents of the Castle Point Borough. You need to complete the one relevant to where you live.
Both sides of the application form need to be completed. The back page refers to wheelchairs and scooters.
If you answer yes that you wish to travel in your own wheelchair, we will contact you to arrange to visit you to assess your wheelchair before you are able to travel in it on our vehicles.
This wheelchair assessment is a FREE service which we provide to you.
What can I use the transport service for?
Members can use our service to travel to day centres; sports and leisure activities; shopping; lunch clubs; church groups; rehabilitation classes; visiting friends and family – and many other activities.
How much does it cost
You are required to register for membership each year but this is FREE.
You will pay £5.00 for a journey up to 3 miles. For journeys over 3 miles, in our minibuses and caddy it is a further £1.00 per additional mile; and in our social cars it is a further £0.45p per additional mile. Carers pay a flat fare of £2.00. Prices are subject to change.
Group Transport.
Our minibuses are also available for use by registered groups in the area.
There is an annual membership scheme for groups. The annual membership fee is £25.00. The minimum charge for a local trip within a 20 mile radius of pick up is £50.00 and an additional £2.00 per mile thereafter is payable. It is advisable to make all group bookings well in advance to avoid disappointment.
To join our team and become a Volunteer Mini Bus Driver, Passenger Assistant or Office Admin Assistant, please contact the office.